Hi, Susanna Here!

AKA the face behind the camera:) I've always loved how the Lord created life so beautifully, and it seemed only natural to me to document that beauty through photos.

I purchased my first camera soon before I left the USA after high school to spend a year doing mission work abroad. That little camera went with me on all my adventures, and I'm so thankful it did! There are so many incredible moments and experiences that would have been much harder to remember had I not captured them in photos. Those photos from my time in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia are incredibly precious not only to me but to my family and friends as well! Since they weren't able to go on the adventures, they had so much fun experiencing it all through my photos.

Upon returning back to the states, I knew I wanted to continue preserving special moments for others to cherish. And that's how my dream of creating Susanna Dee Photography began!

In my opinion, it doesn't get much better than adventuring to amazing locations and photographing even more amazing couples and their unique story. My passion is to display life's beauty in a creative, natural way for the glory of the One who created it and I'm blessed to be able to do exactly that through photography!

A few photos from overseas taken on my first little camera:)

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